medal of honor

In 2004 a boat carrying 59 passengers landed on the roof of a house in Aceh carried by swells from a shift in earth's crust known now as a Tsunami. The souls were saved by divine intervention.

On the morning of 24 June 2020, sixteen years later, three Aceh fisherman Faisal, Abdul Aziz, and Raja rescued  94 Rohingya who had sailed on the monsoon wind to escape a genocide on a route centuries old.

Their passage started in the Bay of Bengal south through the Andaman Sea with a view of Langkawi and Penang off the port side, cities in a developed economy whose leaders dithered on whether to accept huddled massesreligious brethren, and found respite in the Aceh fishermen rescue boat which itself broke down with the added weight four miles offshore the town of Senudon.

Indonesia did not dither and with the assistance of the International Office of Migration, the Rohingyans have been resettled and no longer fear sudden death.

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For more information, please contact Patrik Shirak, at IOM Indonesia, Tel: +622157951275, Email: or Itayi Viriri at the IOM Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, Tel: +63 917 890 8785, Email:
