who is on first

who is on first

Akers raised $38 million In 2020 to save the world from Covid 19 and spent none of it on the vaccine. Akers acquired a shell company Cystron that promised but did not deliver the vaccine. Akers is now fleeing the class action bar and intends to find a home for $38 million through reverse mergers with two new shells. One shell promises a cure for Alzheimer's the other an oral Covid 19 vaccine that has neither the pill nor the vaccine.


The proposed reverse merger with a Florida shell company in November 2020, MyMd, cost $3 million, at least two full-time employees, and five shareholder lawsuits. The new plan, the vaccine pill, has the Executive Chairman of Akers, Joshua Silverman, as CEO of a new shell company, Oravax

 Akers would cast to Oravax what is left of the Cystron shell plus $1.5 million. Oramed, CEO Nadav Kidron, would pay Oravax $1.5 million and license the nonexistent pill from Oravax that would include Oramed’s unproven capability to deliver any medicine in pill form.

Mr Kidron was a 20% shareholder in Cystron. Mr Kidron’s shareholding in Cystron was an apparent matter of national security until declassified in a 19 March 2021 Oramed 8k which informed that $1.5 million of Oramed money was going to be invested in Oravax in exchange for 1.89 million shares and that Mr Kidron was a former shareholder of Cystron. 

The SEC requires material disclosures to be made within four business days of the event. Oramed’s disclosure of Mr Kidron’s Cystron shareholding was 360 days late.

Separately Akers will pay $1.2 million to Premas Biotech, an Indian Biotech company, CEO Kunndu, for what is not clear. In 2020 Premas received $2 million from Akers to kill 50 mice, $40,000 a mouse, and deliver a Covid 19 vaccine for which neither a trial nor academic study is available in the public domain.

who is on first

Oramed is Chinese-owned and funded. Oramed will own 63% of Oravax, Akers will own 13%, and the rest will be distributed to a cast starting with Iroquois Capital, Mr Silverman's firm, that owns over half of Akers.

Oramed has been generous in nominations to the three-person, Oravax Board of Directors. Oramed would appoint two of the three board members, provided one is the CEO of Oravax, Mr Silverman who happens to also be the Executive Chairman of Akers. The other Board member would be appointed by Akers. 

As the math and the crow flies Akers would own 13% of Oravax and a two out of three Board seats, unless Mr Silverman might see his way through to appointing Mr Kidron, CEO of Oramed, as the other Board member. 

In the end the Chinese would be the majority shareholder in Oravax and Mr Silverman could execute documents for Akers, Oravax, and Cystron. Premas and Mr Kunndu would presumably take the money and amble quickly into the Thar desert.


Premas remains a Cystron shareholder and Cystron Licensor that negotiated the vaccine License Agreement with itself. Akers will hold on to cash and shares worth about $2 million destined for Premas because Premas did not have permission from the Government of India to enter the Cystron deal in the first place and refunded money after every Akers public offering in 2020. 

Premas kept $2 million as science milestone payments under the license that it negotiated with itself but returned monies due as a percentage of Akers public offerings. The source for both cash flows was the public monies liberated through the Akers acquisition of Cystron. 

The conscience of the $100,000 refund came out of the first $500,000 paid to Premas by Akers. Premas intends to have 360,000 shares in Oravax even though it could not have been a shareholder in the first shell, Cystron, one year ago.


Oravax, Mr Silverman, promises a Covid 19 vaccine. Oramed, Mr Kidron, will supply Oravax with the pill. Premas Biotech, Mr Kuundu, will provide Oravax the vaccine. Oramed does not have the pill, Premas does not have the vaccine, which leaves Oravax with an Italian phrase for genitalia that can not be reproduced here to the decided indifference of Mr Silverman and Akers who might need to bury the $38 million money under Giants stadium.

Neither Oramed nor Premas has a peer-reviewed study in a medical journal, any evidence that any trial for a vaccine was ever conducted subject to independent review, nor any evidence that a trial or study has been registered in any global database that tracks now over 5000 trials.

Akers paid Zacks and the digital media community in March 2021 to claim that an oral vaccine for covid was nigh. Zacks concluded that the figment of the imaginations of Mr Kidron and Mr Kunndu had a 64% probability of approval resulting in a $1 billion market to which a 12% discount rate was applied for a net present value of $400 million

Oramed shares trade less than 400,000 a day on average. On March 22,23 after the press release of the Oravax deal and digital media support Oramed shares traded 12 million shares over two days from a price of 9 to 12 now back to 9. 

Interestingly Akers trades 200,000 shares a day but on the day of a claimed MyMd discovery, February 5 to 16, it traded 26 million shares, double its shares outstanding and four times its available floating stock. Price doubled from 2.5 to 5.00, now trades at 3.00, and was unaffected by the news of the Oravax deal.

Yes. Oz.

the cystron premas license

In the beginning Akers acquired Cystron which had a license agreement with Premas Biotech. Akers had accumulated $190 million in losses and was defending lawsuits claims which were twice the cash on the Akers balance sheet and more than Akers insurer was willing to pay to underwrite incompetence. Akers needed a life preserver.  The Akers plan was to acquire the Cystron vaccine license and raise as much money from public markets as possible to pay off the lawsuits.

Cystron members, Mr Nadav Kidron, CEO of Oramed, HC Wainwright, Mr Vasinkevitch, Premas Biotech, Mr Kunndu, licensed yeast sequencing science from Premas Biotech, or, Premas licensed the science from itself. The License took less than fourteen days to negotiate doing away with libraries of strategy for license negotiation.

Premas was generous with its secret sauce of intellectual property developed over twenty years with an exclusive license to Cystron. Mr Kunndu signed the agreement as Licensor, for Premas and could have for the Licensee, Cystron, but the signature name was blank. It would have been more efficient for Mr Kunndu to execute the agreement with himself but that would have deprived Haynes and Boone of millions in legal fees.

the akers cystron acquisition

Akers acquired Cystron for cash and 20% of Akers shares. Mr Schreiber signed the agreement for Akers and the Cystron members, Mr Kunndu, Mr Vasinkevitch, and friends, signed for Cystron. Mr Kidron was conspicuous by his absence from the Cystron signature page.

On March 24, 2020 Mr Schreiber, Akers, and Mr Kunndu, Premas, gave an interview as Licensee, Akers, and Licensor, Premas of a Covid 19 vaccine. The press release explained that Akers was acquiring Cystron for $1 million, 622,000 Akers shares, royalties, and Series D shares. 

Neither the press release nor the 8k filing disclosed that Premas was a member of Cystron, that Cystron had received $1 million the day before the interview, or that Premas had negotiated the license with itself. There was no press release or 8k filed by Oramed disclosing Mr Kidron’s shareholding in Cystron.


The 24 March 2020 discussion between Mr Schrieber and Mr Kunndu appeared to be that of an arms length licensor and licensee of a potential vaccine to save a world locking down against Covid 19 not a conspiracy between shareholders in common using the pandemic in pursuit of future public offerings to raise money for Akers at the cost of the Cystron and Premas mannequins.

Mr Kidron’s name and gmail address, nadavkidron@gmail.com, appeared in the notices section of the acquisition documents, section 8.03, but not on the signature page as a selling member of Cystron. Mr Kidron’s name does appear in May of 2020 when Akers registered shares given to Cystron for public sale. Mr Kidron sallied to the public trough and sold 207,000 Akers shares at $3.5 a share.

There was no disclosure by Oramed in 2020 that its CEO was moonlighting in pursuit of a Covid 19 vaccine that the Oramed majority shareholder, Sinopharm, had in human trials in March of 2020. Oramed announced its investment and license agreement in Oravax on 19 March 2021 and in one sentence it was disclosed that Mr Kidron was a former Cystron shareholder.


The elevated thinking leads to the question of the need for the Cystron shell between Akers and Premas?

The Cystron members, Mr Vasinkevitch and Mr Kidron, were neither scientists nor subjects for scientific examination with the exception, possibly, of a genetic test for signs of intelligent life forms produced by another Indian Biotech company using well known US sequencing technology.

Mr Vasinkevitch is the proprietor of HC Wainwright, the underwriter for the Akers public offerings, and the offspring of Rodman and Renshaw featured in the China Hustle. Rodman specialized in listing Chinese companies on US exchanges without complying with US accounting rules. At last count over 220 Chinese companies with a market capitalization of more than $2 trillion are listed on US exchanges, or 5% of US-listed market cap. 

The Oramed CEO Mr Kidron is a lawyer by training. Oramed went in search of minerals in the Nevada desert and found $50 million in Chinese money instead
Oramed has a market capitalization of $230 million, 23 million shares outstanding at $10 a share, with no product, no revenue, and a penchant for the pernicious. 

alphabet soup

These statutes should be the air raid warning over Hiroshima for the supply chain of professionals that create corporate shells, welcome Chinese shareholders, and otherwise approach securities fraud with the willful blindness of a drunk accepting a bar top of drinks at last call: The Corporate Transparency Act, The National Defence Authorization Act Section LXII, LV, The Holding China Accountable Act, and Executive Order 13959.

The Akers cabal could be the brand ambassador for the why of the statutes that seek to identify beneficial owners of shell companies, identify Chinese influence in US markets without complying with the rules, and require US exchanges, regulators, and broker-dealers to identify, disclose, and sanction these actors. The discretion under the statutes is left to the Secretaries of State, Defence, and Treasury, with the Department of Justice and the swath of the Intelligence Community in support.


The Akers plan for Oravax has been met with lawsuits in New Jersey Federal Court for the incompetence of Akers management and Delaware Chancery Court against Oramed for theft. Akers terminated its decades-old lease in New Jersey and moved to 1185 Avenue of the Americas, third floor to be closer to its lawyers at 30 Rockefeller Center three miles away.  

For the convenience of inquiring regulators Akers, Oravax, and Oramed share the same address, 9.5 miles from the SEC and 8 miles from the FBI. The Premas Biotech, US office is a train ride away, 92 miles, in Madison, Ct which is 7200 miles closer than the Indian office in Gurgaon.


Events move quickly in the Northern District of California. A grand jury returned an indictment against a similarly situated biotech company on eleven statutes all of which apply to the Akers cabal three thousand miles away.

The template is handy
