yamamotos plane

The State of Missouri filed suit for fraud that China, its Ministries, and Institutes: deceived the public, concealed information, destroyed evidence, hoarded remedial equipment, and orchestrated a campaign of denial that Richard Nixon could not have imagined when he and Kissinger invited China into the global economy in 1974.

The suit is brought in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri because the State claims the court has jurisdiction, or the authority to hear the matter, despite China being, well, China, not the Eastern District of Missouri, relying on a remarkable document over two hundred years old, the US Constitution.

Article III, Section 2, the judicial power of federal courts extends to “all Cases….between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign states, Citizens or Subjects” confirmed by 28 USC 1330, 1332(a) which provides jurisdiction over foreign states, citizens or subjects of a foreign state and if the amount claimed exceeds $75,000, and under 28 USC 1605 (a)(2) which is an exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act that China has no immunity if the commercial activity was in the United States by China, outside the United States but affected the United States by China, or outside the United States by China that causes a direct effect in the United States.

This boulder will roll downhill gathering not moss but injured actors and economies in what could redefine the class in class action. Litigation is lengthy and as a byproduct enriches lawyers defending the rich and the guilty. 

The Old Testament and another document, The Code of Hammurabi, envision another approach suggested by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, decided by Admiral Nimitz, and executed by the 339th Fighter Squadron based on intelligence provided by Navajo code breakers, to shoot down the plane carrying the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto who ordered the strike at Pearl Harbor. Operation Vengeance

Yamamoto's last salute on 18 April 1943 before his plane was shot down by P 38 Fighters of the 339th
