nice pictures

not sure what the thinkers at Bridgewater used as the 8 measures to opine on the relative standing of empires over time but the pictures are worth it without the 50,000 word essay that goes along with it

add to the big picture that aggregate demand will get whacked by 40% and then grow at some rate with thanks to the folks at Bank of America. a fair amount of those previously employed are not, over 20 % as the crow flies

there are plenty of rooms at the inn
one inn reported that executives would reduce compensation to 0 for six months at the top level and 20% for the rest. a commendable start for the 60 million lost in an interest rate hedge, stock buybacks that are 40 million underwater for the quarter, $2 million paid to a related party law firm, $60 million in insider selling q4 2019, and the $ 150 million in real estate guarantees for a south Asian country.  

less elevation in the thinking could have helped the 90% of rank now filing for unemployment. 

market cap 5.3 billion shorts up to 13%. 
