the other side of midnight

the short story is that capital (foreign direct and portfolio investment) is invited to pay the oil bill (80% imported)

the fx reserves masquerade as net claims (claimants desire capital returned the reserves are insufficient to cover)

the sum of investment has encouraged a unique handicapping of risks in the extension in credit so that one in every five loans disappears with promoters taking colonial refuge in London

risk prices (the index) increased 80 % from the 2014 election without earnings keeping up lifted solely by multiple expansion (the willingess of the market to pay more for the same earnings on the promise that the future will be different)

domestic interest rates are going up. central banks are printing less money. 

thinking that halfway back at a price of 20 times the trail would be reasonable or about 8000 on an index trading at 10000, another 20 % lower 
