courtesy of chris hamilton of econimica blog please see the link for the full article
the simple math
the charts and thesis are compelling. federal borrowing (the debt) funds federal spending and without the borrowing and the spending there would have been no growth
the need to borrow is increasing and the universe of buyers is decreasing
rates have to go up and the implication is that the federal budget has a date with destiny to be reduced
a great find is the chart on the offshore money maintaining a bid for the sake of the bid when the system is stressed (BLICS)
the simple math
the charts and thesis are compelling. federal borrowing (the debt) funds federal spending and without the borrowing and the spending there would have been no growth
the need to borrow is increasing and the universe of buyers is decreasing
rates have to go up and the implication is that the federal budget has a date with destiny to be reduced
a great find is the chart on the offshore money maintaining a bid for the sake of the bid when the system is stressed (BLICS)